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- 4 Digit Place Value
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4 Digit Place Value worksheets
4-digit place value worksheets are for our grade 3 beginners. These worksheets help you to round numbers to the nearest ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. Also, fluently add and subtract numbers upto 9,999. Students can form numbers using the amount of thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
Take a number, say 4,593. This number has four thousands, 5 hundreds, 9 tens and 3 ones.
We read this number as four thouand five hundred and ninty three
Therefore 4,593 = 4,000 + 500 + 90 + 3.
Add all the above given numbers. We get 4,593.
Over 45 worksheets in this section gives you abundant practice. All we need to do here is to fill in the blanks, match the following, answer multiple choice questions, form numbers, read numbers, identify the value of underlined digits in a 4 digit number and many more exercises.
4 Digit Place Value worksheets
Count the dots and write the numeral
Count the dots and write the numeral
Place value of underlined digit
Place value of underlined digit
Form numbers with given place value
Form numbers with given place value