Home > Geometry > Complementary and Supplementary Angles


Problems on complementary and supplementary angles are most easy to solve if you just remember the numbers 90 and 180. With the definitions given below, you will know how these numbers have been used in angles. You have ample problems to identify and calculate the missing measure of angles. Linear equations are also involved to calculate the measure of angles.

Complementary angles are two angles whose sum is 90°. So, the complement of 50° is (90 – 50), that is 40°. The complement of 40° is just the reverse, which is 50°.

Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is 180°. It can also be called linear pair of angles. The sum of a pair of linear angles is always 180°. Thus, the supplement of 55° is (180 – 55), that is 125°. The supplement of 125° is 55°, the vice versa.

The first few worksheets would deal with the basics. Then, to find missing angles. In the end, three exclusive worksheets have 5 word problems in each sheet. All you need to do is to form equations and solve for the unknown variable to find the measure of angles. All the best practice materials are available here for free download. Print them at once!


Check complementary / supplementary angles

Find the complement and supplement angle

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