Temperature Worksheets
Home Measurement Temperature temperature worksheets Temperature worksheets have numerous free PDFs for measuring temperature using Celsius scale and Fahrenheit scale, commonly called thermometers. Kelvin scale is also used to measure temperature. Temperature is just a number. Temperature is the quantitative way to express hotness or coldness. Thus temperature is measured using a thermometer. Celsius is denoted as ℃ . Eg. 38℃ 45℃ Fahrenheit is denoted as ℉ Eg. 112℉ 96℉ To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit (0℃ x 9/5) + 32 Therefore 1℃ = 32℉ To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius (0℃ -32) x 5/9 Kelvin scale is called the absolute scale 0℃ = 273.15 K Eg. Boiling point of water is 100℃ So it is 100 + 273.15 K = 373.15 K Simple worksheets to different hot and cold worksheets are given for download. Conversion worksheets on Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin included. RELATED MEASUREMENT TOPICS : Size Comparison, Time, Money , Measurement of Length , Measurement of Weight, Measurement of Capacity or Liquid Volume, Length – Metric & Customary units, Weight or Mass – Metric and Customary units, Capacity – Metric & Customary units temperature worksheets free download pdf